Functional Medicine in Lone Tree, CO

When you've suffered from chronic pain, illness, or disease and have “tried everything” - but without relief, Functional Medicine offers long-term, sustainable restoration and healing. It's a deep dive into you, with Big Life Functional Med providers taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies and advanced diagnostics to uncover what's really going on.

How is Functional Medicine Different?

How is it different? We leave behind the typical "pills for ills" mentality of conventional medicine and initiate a systems-based deep dive. We consider the whole person, looking for the root cause of your pain.

At its core, Functional Medicine recognizes that the body has incredible powers to heal itself. When we remove the “bad stuff" like toxins, chemicals, parasites, and mold, and load the system with "good stuff,” we can restore your body's ability to heal and create lasting change.

Why? Because most of us have no idea how good our bodies are actually meant to feel. Authentic, lasting wellness is possible.

Big Life's Functional Med providers lean into specialized training and advanced techniques to identify the root cause of complex illnesses. We consider the full picture of your physical, mental, and emotional health. We consider factors like diet, genetics, hormonal changes, prescription and over-the-counter medications, environmental exposures (childhood and ongoing), digestive function, intestinal inflammation, microbiome, and lifestyle factors.

What is the Patient Journey Like?

The patient path is highly collaborative, with you and your provider working together to investigate multiple factors causing one condition or multiple conditions triggering a single symptom. Functional Medicine is not for patients looking for easy answers or quick therapies. If those worked, you'd feel better already. It's for patients willing to allow us to thoroughly investigate what's going on and make lasting changes that will provide long-term recovery and healing.

But Functional Medicine is not only for the sick. It’s also highly sought after by those looking to age proactively, who want to optimize their health and understand their bodies to ensure wellness in the coming years. It's incredible what new testing, more thorough diagnostics, and emerging therapies offer in terms of freeing patients to live full, healthy lives.

What Kinds of Diagnostics and Therapies Might Be Part of Functional Medicine Treatment?

What kinds of tests might you expect as a Functional Medicine patient? We might use NutraEval blood and urine profiling to evaluate 125 of your biomarkers and asses your body's specific needs for antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients. We might also consider CellCore Biosciences' Para Cleanse, which acts as a gut scrub, grabbing onto parasites, biofilm, and other pathogens, while supporting the immune system, enhancing digestive health, increasing gut motility, and creating microbiome diversity.

In fact, Big Life is introducing new therapies to enhance patients' recovery and sharpen wellness therapies all the time. We now offer Ozone Therapy, administered much like an IV. It's a promising addition to our detoxification protocols because, by increasing the amount of oxygen in your body, we can boost your immune system to promote healing. We also offer Ozone Insufflation, a targeted form of Ozone Therapy, which isolates specific regions (like open wounds, eczema, and rashes) to turbo-charge recovery.

Who is Eligible for Functional Medicine?

Anyone is welcome to receive Functional Medicine care at Big Life, whether part of our Direct Primary Care group or not. DPC patients do enjoy additional savings on Functional Med and other services in our clinic. Functional Medicine care is not part of Direct Primary Care services.

Functional Medicine, like all care at Big Life, is a cash pay treatment path. We do not accept insurance to avoid compromises that come when outside interests dictate what therapies are and are not available for patients. We do, however, allow patients to use insurance to cover lab panels (although many opt to take advantage of our discounted cash rates instead).

Lab panels, additional diagnostics, imaging, and nutritional supplements are not included in the Functional Medicine appointment visit costs.

DPC Patients Enjoy 15% Savings

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Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Lunch between 12:00pm and 1:00pm

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