Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology or biomechanics, is a non-invasive, non-painful diagnostic method that uses the body’s own nervous system to uncover hidden issues. It studies muscle movement, as muscles are linked to our organs and glands. When a muscle is weak, it can signal internal issues such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances, toxicity, and other problems. It’s natural biofeedback and an incredible tool to identify the root cause of illness or excessive brain fog, general malaise, or fatigue.
Practitioners find the area or system in the body creating the muscle weaknesses, and then correct those weaknesses by providing supplements and dietary changes. Once the problem with the associated internal organ is resolved, the body will have the ability to heal itself, and the muscle will no longer be weak. Muscle Testing can help to some degree with any chronic illness.
During muscle testing, a provider will apply gentle pressure to different areas of the body to stimulate the muscles. When there's stress or abnormal input to a muscle (an underlying issue), it weakens. Healthy muscles are strong and withstand average resistance.
After testing, your provider will present you with a good picture of how your glands, organs, lymphatic system, nervous system, circulation, muscle. and bone structures are working. They will also provide you with a plan to address any issues.
Sessions typically last an hour for the initial consultation, with follow-ups typically recommended every two to three months to monitor progress.
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